The highlights from 2013 back to 2001

February 2013


We engaged a chemical assistant

We congratulate Stephanie Bock and Tatjana Maas for finishing their training. Since 2009 they were apprentices at inomat. Now we engaged them as chemical assistants.

January 2013

thumbnail1149848385 ISO 9001 2448831bc8b3f1thumbnail1149851652 ISO 14001 448832384ce92

inomat GmbH is certified according to

ISO 9001:2008 and
ISO 14001:2004

Stay hungry!
Stay foolish!

The Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand

February 2012


We engaged a chemical assistant

We congratulate Linda Grub for finishing her training. Since 2009 she was an apprentice at inomat. Now we engaged her as a chemical assistant.

February 2011


We engaged a chemical assistant

We congratulate Anna Getman for finishing her training. Since 2007 she was an apprentice at inomat. Now we engaged her as a chemical assistant.

June 2010


We did it!

On June 11th inomat was awarded as "Ausgewählter Ort 2010". This is an award for highly innovative companies and persons founded by the Federal President of Germany. inomat is honored to get this award.



June 2010


We engage an apprentice

inomat GmbH appreciates to welcom Tatjana Maas as an apprentice to a chemical assistant.

July 2009 to June 2012



inomat GmbH is one of the partners in EcoRepair, a project founded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. The project concerns the development of a new method for repairing glazingsin sanitary ceramics..


August 2009


We engage two apprentices

inomat GmbH appreciates to welcom Linda Grub and Stephanie Bock as apprentices to chemical assistants..


Mai 2009


The next step - we moved to our new facility

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February 2009


We engaged a chemical assistant

We congratulate Olga Bauer for finishing her training. Since 2005 she was an apprentice at inomat. Now we engaged her as a chemical assistant.


January 2008


Electro-magentic Shielding

Read more about our research concerning the use of coatings based on chemical nanotechnology. The work is published in Farbe und Lack..


Septembre 2007



Using our basic  materials ino®sil and ino®flamm MV Engineering GmbH produces innovative products for fire prevention etc. MV now was awarded with the "Forschungs- und Innovationspreis 2007" by the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein..


August 2007


We engage an apprentice

inomat GmbH appreciates to welcom Anna Getman as an apprentice to a chemical assistant..


March 2007


ino®sil MO: Oxide coatings for optical filters

In closed co-operation to our partner Prinz Optics GmbH we produce and sell since March 2007 oxide type of coatings used as optical filters..

Septembre 2005


We engage an apprentice

inomat GmbH appreciates to welcom Olga Bauer as an apprentice to a chemical assistant..



February 2005


Hard coating on polycarbonate

In co-operation with Buser Oberflächentechnik AGinomat GmbH successfully developed a hard-coating for polycarbonate caps used for lightening of road works..


March 2004


New product family

ino®dur now is used as an anti-stick-coating for steel moulds in the fabrication of headliners. Our material fulfulls all the requirements and will substitute the costly and time consuming use of stripes out of teflon.

April 2003


Production just started

Our partner BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH started the production of the world wide first pyrolytic oven with a front door made fully out of glass. This was possible using ino®decor as a low temperature curing but high temperature stable decoration.

April 2002

inomat_logor_small-t All rights reserved


February 2002


We moved to Bexbach

In Bexbach we will built up our own production equipment and the laboratory equipment which is needed for the development of new products.



customer account

inomat GmbH

an excellent place


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